Kristen Stewart & Nikki Reed Sexiest Women of Summer Movies 2010 List
Priser & Nomineringar | 2010-05-17 | 15:31:00 Kommentera här:) » 0 st
Kristen Stewart och Nikki Reed är med på listan över Sexiest Women of Summer Movies 2010 List. Andra som är med på litan är Angelina Jolie, AManda Seyfried, Julia Roberts, Megan Fox mm.
Moviefone has up a list of the Sexiest Women of Summer Movies. Kristen and Nikki were included.
See the whole list here.
She Plays:
Kristen Stewart – ‘Twilight: Eclipse’Bella Swan, the teenage girl lucky enough to win the affections of sexy vampire Edward Cullen.
Where Else You’ve Seen Her: As Joan Jett in ‘The Runaways’ and in the other ‘Twilight’ saga movies.
Why She’s Hot: Kristen doesn’t fit the textbook “hot Hollywood actress” template, and that’s what makes her so attractive — and it’s probably the reason Edward and Jacob continually fight over her in ‘Eclipse.’ She’s subtle, not overly flashy or flirty, and has a dark, slightly sourpuss edge to her. Plus, if you saw ‘Adventureland,’ you no doubt have a crush on her like we do.