MTV Movie Awards 2011
Priser & Nomineringar | 2011-03-23 | 12:09:00 Kommentera här:) » 0 st
![Eclipse rk eclipse kiss Its That Time Of Year Again... MTV Movie Awards Time! awards](
Best Kiss: Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson eller Kristen Stewart oxh Taylor Lautner
Best Fight: Robert Pattinson, Xavier Samuel & Bryce Dallas Howard
Best Villain: Bryce Dallas Howard eller Xavier Samuel (Billy Burke är också nominerad men för ‘Red Riding Hood’)
Best Line From A Movie: Robert Pattinson ‘Doesn’t he own a shirt’ eller Taylor Lautner ‘Lets face it, I’m hotter than you’
Best Female Breakout Star: (Jodie Ferland för hennes roll i ‘Case 39)
Best Male Breakthrough Star: Xavier Samuel (Jackson Rathbone för rollen i ‘The Last Airbender’)
Best Female Performance: Kristen Stewart
Best Male Performance: Robert Pattinson eller Taylor Lautner
Best Movie: Eclipse
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