E! News Now-Robert Pattinson-Breaking Dawn
Breaking Dawn | 2011-03-25 | 15:23:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
Breaking Dawn scen filmad på Orpheum Theatre?
Breaking Dawn | 2011-03-24 | 13:44:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
Enligt en källa från Fanbolt.com, ska Robert Pattinson och Kristen Stewart förra veckan ha spelat in scener för Breaking Dawn på Orpheum Theatre i Vancouver. I artikeln står det såhär om den vackra platsen:
A source commented saying, “They will be filming in the lobby and using the balcony areas. The ceilings are very ornate in the lobby and many movies have been filmed in there. They will also be using the hallways because of the beautiful architecture.”
Som ni ser på bilden är det en mycket fin plats att filma på men jag kan inte komma på vilken scen som skulle kunna passa in att filmas där? Detta blir spännande, kan det vara en flashback? Antar att vi får vänta och se.
Breaking Dawn födelsescenen klar!
Breaking Dawn | 2011-03-22 | 07:29:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st

“Yeah, I’ve done it,” RPattz laughed, “I’ve chewed it, spat it out!”
Though he’s not allowed to give much more away (joking with Ryan Seacrest recently that he gets ‘beaten’ for revealing details), Pattinson promises thatBreaking Dawn will be “very different to the other films – more like a horror film.”
“Just some of the source material makes it inevitably more different. It’s completely nuts, the book.”
Hmm ja det är nog den äckligaste scenen vi komemr få se men jag måste säga att jag är lite nyfiken hur de har lycka göra den också.Breaking Dawn bröllopet filmas i april
Breaking Dawn | 2011-03-19 | 15:48:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
Enligt Mtv.com ska Bröllopsscenerna i Breaking Dawn part 1 filmas i april vilket betyder att de är bland de sista scenerna som ska filmas. Kan ni tänka er att inspelningen av filmerna snart är slut? Jag tycker att det känns konstigt :(
Här kommer ett utdrag från Mtvs artikel: With only four weeks left of filming for “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part I,” one of the key scenes left to be shot is the wedding scene between Edward and Bella. Now comes word that the scene will be shot during the first week of April in Vancouver.
The news was revealed by Gil Birmingham, who plays Billy Black, during a chat at a “Twilight Saga” fan convention in Nashville over the weekend, according toAceShowbiz.com. Filming for “Breaking Dawn” is scheduled to wrap in mid-April, making the wedding scene one of the last in the film’s production.
Edward, Bella & Jacobs kläder Breaking Dawn
Breaking Dawn | 2011-03-15 | 12:35:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
The Official Twilight Convention har visat hur upp kostymer från Breaking Dawn och på bilden under kan vi se Edward, Bellas och Jacobs kläder. Ser snyggt ut tyker jag, kan det vara Bellas vampyr outfit?
Det jag längtar mest fetre att få se i klädväg måste vara hennes underbara klänning, jag tror att ni alla vet vilken klänning jag pratar om :)
Bryce Dallas Howard Kate Spade kampanjen
Breaking Dawn | 2011-03-15 | 06:35:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
God morgon!
Tycker att vi börjar morgonen med en liten video från Bryce Dallas Howards kampanj för Kate Spade. Tycker den är så söt och jag gillade den stora reklam kampanjen som hängde på en husvägg i Soho! Missade ni den klicka här.
Tinsel Korey inför Breaking Dawn
Breaking Dawn | 2011-03-05 | 09:53:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
En bild på Tinsel Korey (Emily), det står att de fixar henne inför Breking Dawn. Se slimigt ut, undra vad det blåa är för något? Kan det vara till flashbacken de ska göra då hon inte hade ett ärr?
Water for Elephants Trailer 2!
Breaking Dawn | 2011-03-04 | 17:50:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
JA! En ny trailer för Water for Elephants kom precis ut, fantastiskt! :) Vill se den ännu mer nu.
Summit Entertainment bekräftar Nuhel
Breaking Dawn | 2011-02-25 | 10:37:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st

Christie Burke Reneesme?!
Breaking Dawn | 2011-02-23 | 17:33:00 Kommentera här :) » 1 st

Whether this is a Bella flash forward or when Jacob first imprints on her (as previous rumored Lainey script deets detailed aJacob/Renesemee montage) will remain to be seen.
According to her representation, Performers Management in Vancouver Christie is 5’7, has hazel eyes, brown hair (though her pic totes look more auburn) and weighs 115lbs (plenty light enough for Jacob to spin her around in throws of adoration, etc).
Super squishy thanks to my secret source for this info!
- Lorabell
Bella & Jacobs hus är klara
Breaking Dawn | 2011-02-22 | 08:28:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st

Breaking Dawn | 2011-02-14 | 06:43:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
The Twilight Saga Twitter kom idag med en super fin bild från Isle Eme, fin present på alla hjärtans dag tycker jag! LÄngtar ni inte lite mer till filmen nu?! :)
Breaking Dawn trailer MTV Movie Awards 2011
Breaking Dawn | 2011-01-23 | 10:33:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
Breaking Dawn | 2011-01-21 | 10:31:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
Summit Entertainment har precis släppt den officiella loggan för Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1!
Svar om Breaking Dawn
Breaking Dawn | 2011-01-07 | 18:46:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
USA Today har en awesome ny intervju med Twilight Sagas producent Wyck Godfrey. I intervjun svarar han på några frågor som vi länge har väntat på svar på! -
Q: Where does the story split in half?
A: “We basically want to take the audience through the emotional part of Bella’s journey as she becomes a vampire. The first part will cover the wedding, the honeymoon and the birth.” The film ends just before she embarks on her supernatural transformation.
Q: The book has three segments, two of which present Bella’s point of view and a middle that’s devoted to the perspective of her rejected werewolf suitor, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). How is that handled?
A: “The story will break from her and follow Jacob throughout the course of the movie as he struggles with his own dilemma. There is a sense that as Bella and the Cullens (Edward’s makeshift vampire clan) deal with her pregnancy, the world is still turning outside with Jacob.”
Q: Why was Bill Condon, the Oscar-winning filmmaker best known for his musicals as the screenwriter of 2002′s Chicagoand the director of 2006′s Dreamgirls, selected as the director of the finale?
A: “These films have the most difficult stuff from a performance standpoint. With his history of directing, I can’t think of anyone who would be better at bringing out the best in an actor.” Plus, the director, who did the 1995 sequel to Candyman, is a fright-fare enthusiast. “He has an appetite for the genre and a passion for theTwilight books and movies.”
Q: Considering what goes on during the torturous birth process, how can the rating be PG-13?
A: With Twilight‘s core of under-18 fans, “it would be a crime against our audience to go R-rated.” However, “this is based on a much more mature book. We need to progress and be more sophisticated.”
A compromise: Having the bloody, bone-crushing delivery be seen only through Bella’s eyes. “She is looking through the haze, experiencing pain and everything rushing around her. We only see what she sees.”
Q: How is the long-awaited consummation of Edward and Bella’s love portrayed?
A: Even though their physical relationship goes way beyond what was shown in the first three films, “it does not become soft porn. It is a legitimate and important part of the movie, romantic and sensual.”
/SofieCarter Burwell för Breaking Dawn part I & II
Breaking Dawn | 2011-01-07 | 14:11:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
Enligt The Playlist, kommer den mycket talangfulle Carter Burwell (kompositör för Twilight), att komma tillbaka för att komponera Breaking Dawn Part 1 och Part 2 -
Coen Brothers and Spike Jonze regular collaboratorCarter Burwell is set to return to the ‘Twilight’ since working on the first film to perform scoring duties for the final installment of the series, the two parter “Twilight: Breaking Dawn.”Burwell has an existing relationship with the director of the final two parts,Bill Condon, having collaborated on “Kinsey” and “Gods And Monsters” and will return to the position after Alexandre Desplat followed him for ‘New Moon’ with Howard Shore stepping in for ‘Eclipse.’ Shooting began this past November all major cast members such as Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Dakota Fanning, Michael Sheen, Anna Kendrick and Ashley Greene reprising their roles. The two parts will be shot as one project and will then be respectively released on November 18th, 2011 and November 16th, 2012. And in case you haven’t do so already, check out Burwell’s score “True Grit”; it’s ace.
Detta är jättebra nyheter tycker jag! Älskade Bellas Lullaby som han gjorde till Twilight Soundtracket! /Sofie
Breaking Dawn Nya bilder!
Breaking Dawn | 2011-01-07 | 09:36:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
Kolla in de nya bilderna från den franska tidningen Dream’Up, de visar en massa nya bilder från olika Breaking Dawn scener. Det är när de filmade i Brasilien, Robert och Kristen :) Det finns också bilder på Dakota Fanning från inspelningen i Louisiana, vi kan också se Cameron Bright, Christopher Heyerdahl.
Breaking Dawn en av de mest efterlängtade filmerna 2011
Breaking Dawn | 2011-01-03 | 09:18:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st

Top 5 filmer 2011
Breaking Dawn | 2011-01-01 | 09:55:00 Kommentera här :) » 1 st
MTV’s Hollywood Crush har listat The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 och Water For Elephants i deras top 5 filmer för 2011!

Breaking Dawn Part 1är listad som nummer 2!
We can already visualize the possibilities. Bella reaches for the cup of blood, unleashes a bloodcurdling scream and the screen goes blank! Or, Edward delivers the baby, turns to Bella, murmurs, “Renesmee” (signifying that the baby is not the boy Bella dreamed of, but a girl) and the screen goes blank! Or perhaps Bella endures the burning transformation, her heart dramatically stops beating, she opens her vampire eyes for the first time…and the screen goes blank! You get the picture.
Another dramatic breaking point could be slightly later, once Bella is happily settled into her new vampire existence. Alice foresees that the Volturi will come to destroy Renesmee and the Cullen clan, understandably causing mass panic. When Jacob arrives and asks what’s wrong, Bella gravely tells him, “It’s over. We’ve all been sentenced to die.” And, er, you guessed it—the screen goes blank. This scenario wouldn’t leave as much plot for the final movie, however the real action in “Breaking Dawn” begins after this moment. Read the rest here!
Water For Elephants är nummer 3!
It’s hard not to be excited for the April 22 release. The film adaptation of Sara Gruen’s No. 1New York Times best selling novel follows Jacob Jankowski, a white collar veterinarian student who drops out of Cornell during his senior finals following a family tragedy. He finds himself accidentally joining the rag-tag Benzini Brothers Circus after jumping a midnight train and zig-zags across the country, making unlikely friends, finding forbidden love and seeing the dark side of the greatest show on earth. It’s the stuff every good movie is made of. Oh, did we forget to mention that Rob looks smokin’ hot, too? Read the rest here!
Spoiler Alert-Breaking Dawn set bild
Breaking Dawn | 2010-12-16 | 06:21:00 Kommentera här :) » 0 st
Kolla in den nya bilden från inspelningen av Breaking Dawn! De är just nu i Lousiana och bilden är tagen på teh Volturis Dakota Fanning (Jane), Michael Sheen (Aro), Jamie Campbell Bower ( Caius), Cameron Bright (Alec) och Christopher Heyerdahl (Marcus) och alla har sin akostymer på sig! :D /Sofie